Safety first1

Don't worry about anything anymore. Ever. Period.

Gone are the days when you had to think about bookmarking, deleting history or whatever else you had to think about. Actually.. all you have to do is think. So, maybe the days of thinkin aren't over. But it's safe to say that everything happens if you want it to and there will be no one to tell you otherwise or sneak into your system.

Safety first2

Don't worry about anything anymore. Ever. Period.

Gone are the days when you had to think about bookmarking, deleting history or whatever else you had to think about. Actually.. all you have to do is think. So, maybe the days of thinkin aren't over. But it's safe to say that everything happens if you want it to and there will be no one to tell you otherwise or sneak into your system.

Safety first3

Don't worry about anything anymore. Ever. Period.

Gone are the days when you had to think about bookmarking, deleting history or whatever else you had to think about. Actually.. all you have to do is think. So, maybe the days of thinkin aren't over. But it's safe to say that everything happens if you want it to and there will be no one to tell you otherwise or sneak into your system.

Safety first4

Don't worry about anything anymore. Ever. Period.

Gone are the days when you had to think about bookmarking, deleting history or whatever else you had to think about. Actually.. all you have to do is think. So, maybe the days of thinkin aren't over. But it's safe to say that everything happens if you want it to and there will be no one to tell you otherwise or sneak into your system.

Safety first5

Don't worry about anything anymore. Ever. Period.

Gone are the days when you had to think about bookmarking, deleting history or whatever else you had to think about. Actually.. all you have to do is think. So, maybe the days of thinkin aren't over. But it's safe to say that everything happens if you want it to and there will be no one to tell you otherwise or sneak into your system.

Safety first6

Don't worry about anything anymore. Ever. Period.

Gone are the days when you had to think about bookmarking, deleting history or whatever else you had to think about. Actually.. all you have to do is think. So, maybe the days of thinkin aren't over. But it's safe to say that everything happens if you want it to and there will be no one to tell you otherwise or sneak into your system.

Let's look at some of the features

  • Remember everything

    Don't ever forget anything again. The chip in your brain makes sure everything is kept. And kept safe forever and ever.

  • Up-to-date 24/7

    On our end we'll make sure you're updated with the newest software. It happens while you sleep and it doesn't take more than a few minutes.

  • Full power

    You're the battery, so don't ever worry about power. As long as your heart beats you're online and only when you're finally dead you're out of power.

  • Chat with everyone Not Included In Beta

    Want to call your mom? Your son? Your best friend? All you have to do is imagine them and you'll be redirected instantly.

  • Service provided

    If the chip or lens malfunctions we're here to help day and night. Call us or go online where pretty ladies sit at telephones. We're at your service.

  • Growing community

    We're growing fast so join in while you can and the Beta is free. It won't be long until we go gold and then you'd have to pay a lot!

  • Sustenance via chipComing Soon

    Soon we'll implement something incredible: You won't have to ever eat or drink again.. quite useful for busy businessmen and others.

  • Save money

    No need to buy smart phones, computers, speakers, radios or anything else. It's all there in your brain and in your eye ready for use.

中国邮票价格表民居邮票纪念邮票第三轮生肖邮票邮票交易所中国邮票价格表中国邮票价格表邮票行情世界上第一枚邮票南京文交所钱币邮票交易中心“夕木成熟后可是很好吃的”“真的吗”“骗你干嘛”新人一枚,请多多支持,不喜勿喷公元前228年秦军兵临易水,燕国告急,燕太子丹召开武林大会,推选刺秦使者。身为刺秦使者的秦天雨得妻子皓月公主劝导,为了天下一统大和,转身变成护秦人,致使荆轲刺秦失败,自己也招来杀身之祸。燕二公子为制造混乱,散布谣言,致使秦王政要诛杀六国贵族的三千后裔,徐福为救三千孩童,谎称海外寻访仙丹带领三千孩童东渡。秦天雨之子秦风逃到东胡,秉承父志维护和平,揭发了东胡人制造匈奴与大秦战争的诡计,秦风逃避东胡人追杀,也逃到了东瀛,得遇鬼谷子,学得上乘武功,又重遇亲弟。兄弟二人重回中原报父仇,除奸恶,东瀛人来中原本意是帮秦风报大仇,却贪恋中原大好河山,趁楚汉相争之际侵略中原,秦风如何罢止楚汉内战,一致对外。力拔山盖,不可一世的项羽又为何败给了刘邦,项羽为何不划江而治,秦风为何不一统天下,成为天下共主,而宁愿选择隐居世外桃源…十年饮冰难凉热血。 这是属于我们的青春记忆。 温鹏捡到一个粉色手机, 然后就开始了一段被迫的“好人好事”之旅, 起初他是拒绝的,直到发现自己凭借这个手机,居然在妖界混的风声水起,成为了人间顶流......一个二十一世纪的屌丝,刚完成一单新闻,猝死出租屋,还不知道有没有人收尸就来到了楚国,一个有着宋的憋屈明的铁血的平行空间还是异世界?总之不小心成了异性王唯一的子嗣,可能出场姿势不好,被人用锤子打出了的。周边都是贼兵蛮子鞑子,好在有后世的天线一条,不至于被古人玩死成为最惨穿越者,一路泡妞打蛮子,没事就种种地!当然是真的种地。【千术】+【悬疑】+【腹黑】 我出生千门,千门分八将,上八将和下八将,上八将才是千门正统,手法高明,多方配合,讲究‘术法’,下八将最为让人不齿,没有高明手段,只能坑蒙拐骗,坏事做尽。 我的叔叔是正统的千门正将,我和他学了很多手段,但十赌九亡,在我而立之年,因为千术而进去了,整日唱铁窗泪,现在我弃暗投明,想给大家讲讲我曾经的故事,起到一些警示作用……主角李萧雨穿越到了修仙世界,开启了一番奇妙的旅程在未来,地球自然资源开采衰竭,人们决定前往几万米的地下开采一种新型能源,但是在地底下等待人类的,除了资源,似乎还有其他东西也在窥视着他们。秦王政三十六年! 赢长生意外穿越大秦,成为千古一帝秦始皇最小的儿子。 此时正值秦始皇第六次东巡,按照历史,始皇将于明年驾崩,届时秦二世胡亥上位,屠戮兄妹。 这也意味着,嬴长生即将命不久矣。 穿越就要凉,这简直地狱开局啊。 我一个八岁熊孩子怎么可能对付的了赵高、胡亥! 【叮!国运系统已经激活!】 【本系统与大秦国运息息相关,宿主每当做出改变大秦国运的事情,便能获得相对应的国运值和奖励!】
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